Motorola Falcon battery temperature reviews

User Ratings for android device Motorola Falcon codenames:[falcon_cdma, XT1031]

Do you have problems with your Motorola Falcon battery temperature?
Is your device getting very hot?
Did you know that you can use this free android app to monitor your device temperature?
To monitor your android temperature download your free copy of Battery Temperature Guard
Read the following reviews of users with the same device for this free app.
2 users with a Motorola Falcon have rated Battery Temperature Guard Free with an average score of 5,00

Reviews for Battery Temperature Guard Free
  • Batteries lose capacity when too cold, hot and when there is drastic temperature changes as I have noticed on my devices, they stop charging at different temps, ZTE Awe; 118*F and up, Kyocera event; 112*F, be aware of your temps, the reason why it does this is to keep it from overheating and as excessive heat on batteries can become explosive or do funny things (not really, just dangerous really) as when it vents it can cause burns, you may not be aware, but your phone is, plus you should be too, great app

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